Thursday, November 9, 2017

Reading Term 4

This is where I am on the Reading Pathway in Term 4 Week 4 

Here are my Learning Goals 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Term 4 Writing

I wrote about how to be sun safe at school. In Term 4 we need to wear a hat outside. 

"Well done Lenny! You have some great ideas about sun safety and you have tried to spell some tricky words. Your next step is to ensure that your letter sits on the line and is the correct size."

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Strand - Shape Term 4

I am learning to use words to describe a two dimensional shape

Success Criteria:
- I can name the shape
- I can label the different parts of the shape. For example point out the sides, corners, describe the lines used

Lenny: "This is a triangle. It has three sides and three corners."

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Integrated Topic Term 3

I am learning about different staff within the school and what they do

Success Criteria:
  • Act out a scenario within the school
  • Talk about how the characters within the role play might feel 
  • Talk about how we can show empathy towards them

Gymnastics Term 3

Learning Intention
We are learning to create and perform a sequence which links two shapes through rolling, travelling or jumping.

Success Criteria: I can....
Move into spaces effectively
Hold 1, 2, 3 different balances for 3 seconds
Balance in 2, 3, 4 different positions
Name 1, 2, different shapes
Select 2 different shapes to start and finish my sequence
Perform 1, 2 different shapes with control when jumping

Here is Lenny performing a...

straddle shape

and a pike shape 

"Awesome Lenny! You have shown you can do lots of different shapes in different positions!" - Miss Pickering 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Maths Term 3

WALT solve addition and subtraction problems in my head by counting on from the largest number.

Success Criteria
I can count backwards from the largest number using a number line
I can count forwards from the largest number using a number line

"Fantastic Lenny! You and Oakley worked collaboratively work out subtraction problems by counting on your number line." - Miss Nichols

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Dance term 2

Hub 1 loved to learn the tango and some hip hop moves through the school dance course. Below you can see how dance fits into our New Zealand Curriculum under the arts.

Music Term 3

WALT sing Te Reo Māori waiata with actions

Art Term 3

"Well done Lenny, you can feel very proud about your artwork and how the koru's stand for your family. You put so much work into this and it looks amazing" - Miss Pickering

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Reading Term 3

WALT: work out words by looking at letters and letter clusters I know 

"Well done Lenny! You have worked hard to decode unknown words." - Miss Pickering

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Writing Term 3

We have been doing the Quick 60 Programme. This week we read the Big Book “Miss Monkey’s Clever Classroom”

We were learning to re-read our writing to check it makes sense.

We wrote a story about our favourite part

"Well done Lenny! I can see you have used capital letters and finger spaces. Your next step is to write more sounds that you can hear in words" - Miss Pickering 

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Art: Collaborative Matariki

I am using my fine motor skills by using scissors to cut out my hand print.

"Well done Lenny in persevering with cutting out your hand print. This meant you kept going until you finished and made sure you tried your best by cutting as close to the line as possible! You made a beautiful handprint!" - Miss H

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Term 2 Writing

We have been doing the Quick 60 Programme. This week we read the Big Book “Listen and Tap”

We were learning to re-read our writing to check it makes sense.

We wrote a story about our favourite character

"Well done Lenny! I like your great ideas and you have used the word 'because' to add more detail. Your next step is to make sure you use capitals in the correct place."

Friday, May 5, 2017

CARE values Term 2

Easy Blog Photo

WALT show the Oaklands CARE values for cloakrooms and toilets 

I have shown active thinking because I am showing the teacher the 'T' sign

Monday, March 6, 2017

Term 1 Visual Art

We are learning to: use a pencil to draw our self portrait 

Success Criteria 
  • Draw a cross in the page to help position our face features
  • Our face circle goes through all three lines
  • Eyes on both sides of the line
  • Nose on the cross
  • Mouth below the nose
  • Ears on our face where the line intercepts 
  • Add colour using dye and crayons

Teacher Voice - "Well done Lenny! I can tell you worked hard on this and followed instructions. It looks great!" - Miss Pickering

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Term 1 Writing

I wrote a story about a special time with my family. 

"Well done Lenny! I can see you have written some Fast words and you have formed most of your letters correctly. Your next step is to ensure you use finger spaces."